Heart for the House

Blue Sky Children’s Academy
Rez.Church is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of Blue Sky Children’s Academy in fall 2025!
Imagine an academy where children not only learn but grow in faith, character, and love for God. According to a Barna study found that children aged 0-12 are eight times more likely to accept Christ than those aged 13-18. Blue Sky Children’s Academy is here to make the most of this impactful window, offering a God-centered education and a values-driven curriculum designed to nurture faith and character at every stage.
From Infant Care to Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before and After School Programs, and Summer Clubs, Blue Sky will provide quality, faith-rooted education for children aged 6 weeks to 12 years. Together, let’s lay a foundation that will impact future generations and build a brighter tomorrow, one child at a time.
Other Initiatives:
- Recording Studio
- Crossroads Campus Security Enhancement

Thanksgiving & Christmas Outreach
Last year, we partnered with Serve 6.8 to serve 292 vulnerable families during the holiday season, providing 2,142 gifts to 714 children (3 gifts each) and served hundreds of families in need of food. We can’t wait to see how many more lives we can impact together this year!
Nothing Without God Church Planting
Rez.Church aims to plant 100 life-giving churches across the state of Colorado. Here’s a few we’ve helped launch so far!
- Life.Church (Colorado Springs)
- City Church (Boulder)
- Zeal Church (Colorado Springs)
- Fresh Hope Church (Aurora)
- One Life Church (Aurora)
- Story Church (Colorado Springs)
- Ascent Project (Ft. Collins)
- Zeal City Church (Timnath)
Other initiatives
- Serve 6.8
- NoCo Dream Center Local Resource Center
- Youth for Christ
- Meals for families in need
- Jail Ministry
- 18 Church Plant Funds banked with ARC to help launch qualified church plants

The Pastors Collective: turning the tide of pastoral burnout
1 in 2 pastors say they would resign if they had another way to provide financially for their family. The Pastors Collective, through The Retreat at Church Creek, provides refuge for Christian leaders who just need a break or are struggling with isolation, loneliness and burnout. Because of your continued support, The Pastors Collective is closer than ever to hitting its goal of reaching and caring for 10,000 ministry leaders by 2027.
Other initiatives:
- Los Angeles Dream Center
- Disaster Relief (Convoy of Hope, national agencies)
- Oaks International Campus Ministry

Rez.Church Rio De Janeiro
Our Rez.Church Freguesia campus in Brazil is experiencing exciting growth! We’re now looking to support them in renovating and expanding their children’s space to accommodate more kids and leaders. This expansion will allow us to continue to invest in the next generation and ensure we’re providing a welcoming, nurturing environment for children to grow in their faith.
Slammin’ Famine
We aim to provide the funds and volunteers to pack meals for starving children. Together with Slammin Famine, we will provide a years-worth of meals for over 12,500 children.
Other Initiatives:
- Kings Kids Africa
- One Hope
- FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries)
Legacy Offering
Through our annual Legacy Offering, we have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on each of the four Legacy Lanes. Leading up to Legacy Sunday, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the Legacy Offering and the ways you can make a difference. During this season, we invite you to prayerfully consider how God is leading you to build an enduring legacy.
Legacy Accomplishments 2024
Vision moves at the speed of generosity. In 2024, Rez.Church invested more than $1,301,317 of direct and in-kind support to move the mission forward. Below is a breakdown of some projects accomplished through your Legacy gifts.
- Crossroads Campus Security Enhancements: Additional security camera coverage and more.
- Blue Sky Children’s Academy Consultant: Expert consultancy for the launch of BlueSky Children’s Academy.
- Broadcast Audio Improvements for Church Online: Expand the excellence and reach of our online campus.
- Thanksgiving/Christmas Adopt-a-Family Outreach: Providing food for the holidays and children’s Christmas presents for 400 families.
- Serve 6.8: Partnering with Serve 6.8 to provide support in serving the Northern Colorado Community.
- Serve Saturdays: Providing a team of volunteers sho meet community needs each month.
- Nothing Without God: We aim to plant 100 life-giving churches across the state of Colorado. Currently Rez has planted 13 churches in Colorado including the planting of “Zeal City Church” in Timnath, Colorado.
- Youth For Christ
- Convoy of Hope: Providing disaster relief efforts in response to hurricane Milton and Helene.
- Oaks International Campus Ministry: Providing support to on-campus evangelism, discipleship and missions mobilization.
- The Retreat at Church Creek: Providing soul care to pastors from around the world.
- Slammin Famine: Provided funds and volunteers to pack meals for starving children.
- One Hope: Partnered with One Hope to plant 5 churches in Western Africa.
- Kings Kids Africa: Providing a home, food, a family, and a church community to orphans in Africa.
- Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM)
Legacy Team
Connecting Leaders to Kingdom Purpose
The Legacy Team is an outlet for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving.
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
ROMANS 12:6-8
The Four Legacy Lanes of Impact
Rez.Church Building Projects
Local Outreach (Dream Center, prison ministry and community outreach)
National Outreach (planting local churches nationwide with ARC)
International Outreach (church planting, leadership development, humanitarian aid)
Join the Legacy Team
Legacy people give influence, resources, and time as a local church ministry expression to advance the cause of Christ. Each member prayerfully commits to give over and above their tithe to impact eternity for generations to come—to leave a legacy.
To be a part of the Legacy Team, you must complete the Rez.Church Growth Track.