A Daily Invitation of God's Light


I am on the Lord’s side.

I will run from secret sin.

I will reject lies.

I will refuse gossip.

I will have the courage to allow God’s Word to guide my steps.

I will not be identified by past pain, chronic illness or severe trauma.

I am healed, whole, forgiven and restored.

I believe no evil strategy formed against me will succeed.

I believe that all things will work together for my good.


I am on the Lord’s side.

I will pursue Godly community, life-giving friendships and holy intimacy in all of its forms.

I will invite Godly accountability into every aspect of my life and relationships.

I will not pout, shout, scream, hit, withdraw or throw tantrums when I don’t get my way.

I will not be controlled by those who do.

I will confess my faults to my Godly friends and pray with one another so I can be healthy.

I will use Scripture alone to define what love is.

I will believe all things, hope all things, endure all things and show patience, honor and kindness to everyone I encounter.

That is what Biblical love is.

Everyone I know deserves to be treated with this kind of love.

I deserve to be treated with this kind of love by everyone I know.


I am on the Lord’s side.

Jesus is the head of my household.

I will find myself in Christ alone so He can establish my identity and my value.

Jealousy will not have the loudest voice in my marriage.

Fear-of-missing-out will not torment me.

I will not commit adultery against my spouse.

I will pursue a healthy marriage relationship and do what it takes to follow through on that pursuit.

I will have love, joy and peace in my marriage.


I am on the Lord’s side.

I will lead my family with kindness.

I will lead my family into all truth.

I will lead my family by my words, by my actions and by my attitude.

I will not dominate, verbally abuse, negatively label, physically harm or provoke my children to wrath.

I will only set consequences for my children to teach them something worthwhile.

I will wait to set or enforce consequences until I am happy and at peace.


I am on the Lord’s side.

I will lead others with relational, real and righteous authority.

I will not control, manipulate, confuse, exhaust, discourage or intimidate anyone in my sphere of authority.

I will be gracious to people in my community but not gracious to any chronic dysfunction or evil spiritual force that may be influencing them.

I will not surrender to manipulation, shame, guilt or other unhealthy forms of control.

I will not turn away from my relationship with God, my current ministry assignment or my principles because of unhealthy influence or extreme pressure.

I will be faithful to my current assignment until my assignment is truly complete.

I will not use my authority or influence to punish or harm others.

I will not accuse anyone of evil motives.

I will remember that only God can see into the hearts of people.

I will not use my prophetic gift to discourage, accuse or dominate others.

I will pray for my enemies, bless those who hurt me and give to my enemies without expecting repayment.


I am on the Lord’s side.

I declare that God lives big in me.

I believe that all things will work for my good.

I believe that God will be faithful to finish everything He starts in me, my family, my community and my church.

I am on the Lord’s side.